Компания Shenzhen SinoSky Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Дэймон Рен - директор по продажам и маркетингу
Skype: damonren_1
Адрес: 11J, Huaqiang Plaza D. Building, Huaqiang North, Шэньчжэнь, Китай
Почтовый индекс: 518000
Телефон: 0086-0755-23948644
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Корпоративная культура

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       Division I has always been "strong technical force, production capacity and reliable quality and stable performance, integrity and meet customer" for enterprises.

       Adhere to customer first, to create products, providing quality services; high performance and team spirit are the basic requirements for every employee; establish a learning organization is a necessary condition for sustained and stable development of the employees of the enterprise, the enterprise the most valuable asset, we have established a corporate culture purpose is to allow employees and enterprises common development and progress.

      "Unity, tolerance, harmony and progress" is just only employee values, it is produced in the course of our development, and gradually formed a unique corporate culture.

       The values of solidarity for the pilot to tolerance, harmony as the basis for progress for the protection of universally recognized and active participation of all employees, and the times in enterprise development, and constantly improve.